Thursday, September 23, 2010

Atkinson Designs

I just came across the blog for Terry Atkinson today.  She is a designer of quilts and other fun fabric creations.  The very first quilt that I made was from her pattern "Yellow Brick Road" and it still hangs in my bedroom.

I made several other quilts from that pattern as well including this one for my "Deer" Husband.

It's hard to tell from this picture but there are actually deer in one of the fabrics.

The lastest creation I have made from Terry Atkinson's Designs is called "Pockets to Go."  These are wonderful fabric boxes.  The uses are limitless.  I made the first box for my wonderful daughter-in-law, Jessica for her first day of school. OK it was really for her first day of student teaching - but it was still her first day of school as a teacher!!

Can you believe how much this little box holds?  I put in crayons, markers, a stapler, pencils and pens, a pencil sharpener and there is still room for more.  I can't wait to make my own.  As a matter of fact, I think I will be making a lot of these for gifts this year.  And I think I will do some embroidery on those blank side panels.  Stay tuned for more posts about these boxes.

Check out Terry's Fall-o-Ween quilt designer blog hop starting September 27th. The link to her site is listed under blogs that I follow.

Check out the blog hop. I am sure there are more great things from Terry Atkinson.

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