Saturday, September 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Gift

We are celebrating Robby's Mom's birthday tomorrow (a few days late) and I just finished part of her gift...another of those wonderful fabric boxes. Kaye's favorite color is yellow and I had some wonderful sunflower fabric that I know she will love.

This one is a bit different from the last in that all four sides are not the same fabric.  I really like the look and think I may try another with pieced sides so I can use up some of my scraps.

  I also made a matching card to go with the gift and a unique fabric envelope to hold the birthday card.

I didn't fill this basket like I did Jessica's because I know that Kaye has plenty to fill it up.  So we decided to fill it with some of her favorite sweets instead.
Here is the finished box and card.  Happy Birthday Mom!! Hope you love it!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Atkinson Designs

I just came across the blog for Terry Atkinson today.  She is a designer of quilts and other fun fabric creations.  The very first quilt that I made was from her pattern "Yellow Brick Road" and it still hangs in my bedroom.

I made several other quilts from that pattern as well including this one for my "Deer" Husband.

It's hard to tell from this picture but there are actually deer in one of the fabrics.

The lastest creation I have made from Terry Atkinson's Designs is called "Pockets to Go."  These are wonderful fabric boxes.  The uses are limitless.  I made the first box for my wonderful daughter-in-law, Jessica for her first day of school. OK it was really for her first day of student teaching - but it was still her first day of school as a teacher!!

Can you believe how much this little box holds?  I put in crayons, markers, a stapler, pencils and pens, a pencil sharpener and there is still room for more.  I can't wait to make my own.  As a matter of fact, I think I will be making a lot of these for gifts this year.  And I think I will do some embroidery on those blank side panels.  Stay tuned for more posts about these boxes.

Check out Terry's Fall-o-Ween quilt designer blog hop starting September 27th. The link to her site is listed under blogs that I follow.

Check out the blog hop. I am sure there are more great things from Terry Atkinson.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Parents of the Senior shirts

We couldn't let Libby go to the game all decked out by herself.  I had to make shirts for us too!!  Robby will wear AHS spirit wear but he doesn't like it much - he graduated from the cross town rival PDHS.
Here is my shirt -

And here is Robby's -
 We should be the best looking fans at Homecoming don't you think?

Homecoming mums, tshirts and more

This week has been full of making things for tonight's homecoming.  Libby thought since she was a senior this year that she needed a homecoming mum.  We spent one night shopping, one night creating and finally finished it on Thursday morning so she could wear it to the homecoming parade that night.  Unfortunately, Mother Nature decided Thursday was a good day for rain and the parade was cancelled.  She will only get to wear it to the game tonight but it will proudly hang on her door for the rest of her senior year.

We used some non-traditional ribbons making her mum.  The ring around the flower and the streamer with her name are double sided grosgrain ribbon.  The stapler really didn't like this ribbon because it was so thick.  This was my first attempt to embroider on ribbon and it turned out great.  The only problem was that the letter "y" is wider than the rest and it hangs off to one side. Oh well, you live and you learn.

One of our favorite features on mums is the military cord.  We couldn't find the ribbon in the right size to make our own and they wanted $7 for a ready made cord.  Libby found this black and white polka dotted ribbon and we made it out of grosgrain ribbon too.  Wasn't sure how it would turn out but we both love it!!!

Here is the finished mum it all it's glory - hanging on Libby's bedroom door where it will probably stay the rest of the school year.  Adding the hanger to the back resulted in the only mum making injury.  I won't show you the ugly picture but I have a great big glue gun blister on my thumb from adding the hanger.  Watch out for those glue guns!!!

Here's a close up view.  Of course, you can't have a beautiful mum and nothing to wear with it so we had to make tshirts for the family too.  Libby bought a Texas Tech tshirt this summer and wanted an AHS shirt to match.  For Libby, the more zebra - the better.

I made tshirts for Robby and I too (no zebra for Robby - ha) but will show those off on the next post.