Saturday, March 24, 2012

Weight loss journey begins

Last week I made a commitment to getting healthy - AGAIN.  This time I am doing things differently.  I am developing a real plan not just winging it.  I asked my son to start holding me accountable and tell me to "suck it up" when I need it because he is very good at that. I am taking baby steps just like I have done to get out of debt.  Baby step number one was to eliminate drinking my calories - no more cokes.  I am now drinking water and tea.  Baby step number two is to get moving.  I need to walk every day or at least five out of seven days. I will be adding more steps as I am able.  It is important to be realistic and develop a plan that will work for me from now on.

My weekly weigh in days are Thursdays so I intend to post once a week to document my journey.  My starting weight on Thursday, March 15th was 209 pounds.  In the first week I only lost 1/2 a pound but I did lose and the step I was able to implement that week was to watch my calories.  Starting today, I am going to walk at my lunch hour and hopefully after work.  After work is proving to be a challenge because I am currently working 11-12 hour days.

I also have started using MyPlate on Livestrong again to track my calories.  They had a great inspirational story from a user named Glenda who has lost over 200 pounds.  Well, I intend to be another Glenda with a great weight loss story.

My target weight is 150 so that means I need to lose a total of 59 pounds.  My realistic goal of dropping 59 pounds is December 31, 2012 at one to two pounds per week.

Finally - I will get this done!!

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